Articles tagged with Summer


What are the signs of stress in dogs?

Noticed a change in your dog’s behaviour? They could be feeling stressed. Check out our blog for tips on identifying and dealing with stress in dogs.

Dog in car

Tips for Travelling in the UK with a Dog

Planning a UK holiday for you and your dog? Check out our blog for some pet-friendly travel tips!

Jack Russel surfing wearing sunglasses

Can I take my dog on holiday abroad?

In all the excitement of booking a getaway, it’s easy to focus on things like planning excursions, buying your currency, and updating your holiday wardrobe. Things that can sometimes slide down the list of priorities include making sure your travel...

snake in grass

How to tell if your dog has been bitten by a snake

According to The Wildlife Trust, there are three species of snake native to the UK, the adder, grass snake and smooth snake. Read our guide to know what you should be looking out for if your dog comes face to face with one!

dog popsicle red

Dog biscuit flavoured lollies - the summer life saver

A warm spring and hot summer can be a dream for humans - but for pets it can be a nightmare. Homemade doggy ice lollies can bring massive relief to dogs. As the weather heats up, they could be a lifesaver.

dog golden retriever lake

Pets in summer

To avoid heat distress and expensive vet visits, there’s plenty you can do to keep your pet cool, comfortable - and even alive - in a heatwave.

cat British shorthair grey

Cat care in summer months

Ways to help keep cats happy and healthy during the warmer months.

Dog with tongue out

How to make your garden a happy place for your dog

Having your own area of land for you and your dog to explore is great. Dogs love to run and play in their back gardens, but owners should make sure it’s a safe space for them first. If you’re wondering where to start, here's our guide...

dog yorkshire terrier brown

Ticks on cats and dogs: what you need to know

Ticks can transfer a whole host of diseases, so it’s important to know how to spot them and remove them. Learn how to protect your pet.

Terrier sat atop hill

Taking your dog on holiday

Some say the key to happiness is to always have a holiday booked. For dog owners, there’s more to think about than just taking time off work.